IP Collective Virtual Roundtables

Trademark & Brand Protection - Europe

Wednesday, 8th February 2023

09.00 - 13.45 GMT / 10.00 - 14.45 CET

Key Themes


Building an effective global trademark portfolio to protect your IP assets internationally

Trademark protection is a critical task for companies manufacturing and distributing products globally. When considering expanding into new markets, organisations must take some time to ascertain the best and most cost-effective way to protect their IP rights overseas. Assuming limited budgets, it’s important to determine which trademarks should be protected in the new market, as this may differ from any of the previous countries in which the company has traded before. It will also require constant monitoring and leasing with local law enforcement agencies to identify and prosecute counterfeiters. We will be discussing best practices for expanding your business internationally while providing effective coverage for your IP assets.

Joining forces with online marketplaces and social media platforms to win the war on counterfeiters

The last three years have brought significant changes to the retail landscape, giving rise to a huge increase in online sales and the explosion of available platforms to communicate with your consumers. This exponential growth has come with several advantages, but an increase in commerce translates into a proportional increase in counterfeit goods, which threatens brand reputation and risks loss of sales.

Several online marketplaces and social media platforms have now begun taking steps in the right direction when it comes to identifying counterfeiters as a problem. We will be discussing how you can effectively communicate, collaborate and co-operate with online marketplaces and social media platforms to take down counterfeiters.

Adapting your IP strategy in times of crisis to minimise disruptions and ensure resilience

The past few years have brought a series of unforeseen events, including the global pandemic and the Russian war, which have disrupted strategies and objectives for every organisation. As managers of business-critical intangible assets, IP leaders have had to adapt their strategies to continue to deliver value in uncertain circumstances, with significantly tighter budgets. Organisations have had to come up with innovative and smart solutions with very little notice and few certainties about the future. Creativity and flexibility are, therefore, two of the most important attributes of anyone who is managing an IP portfolio and wishes to drive the organisation forward.

We will be discussing how you can adapt your strategy during a global crisis and adjust to new circumstances in order to ensure the protection of your intellectual property.

Expert Speakers Include: